Student Life


Genshu Price
Genshu Price, Class of 2025, was selected as the Hawaii Children's Action Network's Youth Advocate of the Year 2025.
Aaron Akaka
Aaron Akaka, grade 5, took 1st place at the latest Hawaii Triple Crown - Oahu Open jiu jitsu tournament on September 21, 2024. He entered in the boys gi category, age 10-11. His family is so proud of him!
Class of 2024
Class of 2024
College Admittances
Congratulations to the Class of 2024 as they received admittances to 35 different colleges and universities!
UN Global Goals National Community Service Awards 2023-2024
MBTA is one of 638 US high schools with student awardees being recognized as local leaders and global citizens. These awards have a special emphasis to connect personal service with progress towards the Global Goals. Congratulations to the following students: Danil Knight ' 24 - Merit Award Mailani Lumeng '26 - Merit Award Simon David '24 - Honor Award Ella Wenceslao '25 - Ambassador Award
Danielle Akaka
In her latest jiu jitsu tournament, Danielle Akaka, grade 6, took home gold in gi intermediate girls division, silver in no-gi intermediate boys division, and silver in no-gi advanced girls division.
Aaron Akaka
In his latest jiu jitsu tournament, Aaron Akaka, grade 4, took home four silver medals (two in gi and no-gi boys age 10-11 and two in gi and no-gi boys age 8-9 divisions).
Aaron Akaka
In his latest jiu jitsu tournament, Aaron Akaka, grade 4, took home four silver medals (two in gi and no-gi boys age 10-11 and two in gi and no-gi boys age 8-9 divisions).
Aaron Akaka
In his latest jiu jitsu tournament, Aaron Akaka, grade 4, took home four silver medals (two in gi and no-gi boys age 10-11 and two in gi and no-gi boys age 8-9 divisions).
Aaron Akaka
In his latest jiu jitsu tournament, Aaron Akaka, grade 4, took home four silver medals (two in gi and no-gi boys age 10-11 and two in gi and no-gi boys age 8-9 divisions).
in USA OPEN 2024 Junior International Cup Karate
Congratulations to Emma winning Sliver for Team Kata and Kumite, Sparring, and Jameson for winning Gold for Team Kata in the USA Open.
in USA OPEN 2024 Junior International Cup Karate
Congratulations to Emma winning Sliver for Team Kata and Kumite, Sparring, and Jameson for winning Gold for Team Kata in the USA Open.
Emma and Jameson
in USA OPEN 2024 Junior International Cup Karate
Congratulations to Emma winning Sliver for Team Kata and Kumite, Sparring, and Jameson for winning Gold for Team Kata in the USA Open.
Bruce Nuevo
won Gold in the State Championships for men's gymnastics
Congratulations to Bruce Nuevo, Grade 8, who won Gold in the State Championships for men's gymnastics all-around on March 16, 2024. Bruce will advance to the Regional Championships in Arizona.
Genshu Price 2024 Prudential Emerging Visionaries Program
Genshu Price from Myron B. Thompson Academy has been named one of the 25 winners in the 2024 Prudential Emerging Visionaries program.
Alina Evanoff Qualifies
for National Music Compeition
Alina Evanoff, Grade 8, received the Merit Prize at the 2023 Opus Music Competition for the State of Hawaii in String Category IV and is a qualifier for the national music competition.
Congratulations to Ella Wenceslao
Please join us in congratulating MBTA junior Ella Wenceslao for her part in aiding the Pearl City High School girls air riflery team on taking first place in the HHSAA tournament where they beat out Kamehameha Hawai'i and Sacred Hearts Academy. Ella was the top scorer on her team overall and medaled individually at 6th and 8th. Ella is in white holding the trophy on the left.
This teen rocks. No, really.
MBTA’s Class of 2023 graduate, Lenore Mollison, was featured on Hawaii News Now for her awesome skills on the guitar. Please check out her story. Click Here