School Admission
Welcome to MBTA's Summer Program!
MBTA Summer Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
*** Please review these FAQs before emailing Ms. Hyden. ***
Where can I get more information about MBTA’s summer school program?
Is MBTA's Summer Program entirely online?
- Orientation, Training, and Classes are entirely online - students will never have to commute to campus, and they will have access to their courses 24/7 for the duration of the summer session.
- Registration begins online and has a mail-in component - a signed confirmation page and payment must be mailed-in following the online registration.
Who can apply for MBTA’s online summer school?
- Grade level 9-12 DOE, Public Charter, Private, and Homeschooled students who are residents of the state of Hawai‘i.
Does MBTA provide laptops for summer school?
- Unfortunately, we are unable to provide laptops to non-MBTA students for summer school.
- MBTA students must make arrangements through the tech department in order to retain their school-issued laptops for summer school use.
Can my child enroll in more than one class?
- Yes, each student may register for up to two classes during our summer session, if both classes are 0.5 credit classes.
- No, if the student enrolls in a 1.0 credit class.
What if my class has a prerequisite?
- The student is responsible for providing documentation that they have fulfilled the prerequisites for taking the class.
- Current class(es) with Prerequisites: Environmental Science
- Be sure to review the course catalog for the prerequisites.
Can my child enroll in another summer school program while participating in MBTA's Summer Program?
- No. It is highly discouraged to enroll in multiple summer school programs. We believe it puts undue strain on the student, given the accelerated nature of our courses.
Are the online courses synchronous or asynchronous?
- Our summer courses are asynchronous.
- Course content is available 24/7 for the duration of the summer session.
- Students must complete coursework by the posted due dates and times.
Why does my child need a personal email address for the summer? Can they use mine?
- Our online system requires a unique, valid email address to create the students'accounts, which are used to access our course website. Students may send and receive communication with teachers and notifications from the courses through their email address.
- Students are expected to check their email daily. Students are permitted to use their parent/guardian's email if it is accessible to the student daily and if it is not being used another student participating in this program.
How can my child participate in this summer program while traveling?
- While traveling, it is best to have a personal laptop, tablet, etc. to access our courses and do word processing. Internet access can be obtained through most paid lodgings. Otherwise, there are many public Wi-Fi hotspots available worldwide.
- We suggest that families schedule school-time into the itinerary in order to ensure success for the student. It is also useful to keep a clock that is on Hawai'i time, since all due dates and times will adhere to Hawai'i time.
- Whenever possible, working ahead before travel is highly encouraged to avoid any potential travel complications which may result in late work.
- If students encounter any issues, prompt communication with the teacher is highly encouraged.
What if my child has a summer camp to attend for sports, church, etc.?
- If the student is attending a camp without internet access for up to one weeks time, they should first consider that one day of summer school is worth approximately 3 days of regular instruction...that's nearly a month of school work. but it is possible.
- In passed years, students who have planned ahead for such camps have been successful by coordinating an accelerated schedule with the teacher. Some students were even at camps which allowed for internet access. It is best to inquire first with the camp/organization prior to making summer school arrangements.
How does MBTA offer Physical Education (P.E.) ONLINE?
- All lessons, discussions, quizzes, and exams are on our course website. Students will complete assignments, and projects for uploading to the course.
- A number of hours are set each week for pre-approved physical activity, and the students are responsible for logging these hours and submitting them to the teacher through the course website. This system is ideal for those involved with sports or those who prefer an individual, self-paced program for P.E.
- Please refer to the PE Factsheet for more information.
Dooes MBTA offer financial aid for the summer program?
- No. However, MBTA is open to accepting outside scholarships for tuition.
- We accept Alu Like tuition vouchers every year. For more information about Alu Like's summer scholarship program,
please visit their website: Usually 0pens April 1st
How do I make tuition payment? When is tuition due?
- Tuition payment must be accompanied by the signed application confirmation page (PDF sent to your designated email address).
- Tuition is accepted by mail: Check, Money Order, or Voucher.
- Tuition must be paid in-full at the time of application.
- Alu Like vouchers are considered a promise of payment, and the student's tuition will be considered paid for in the amount specified on the voucher. Parent/Guardians are responsible for any remaining balance. If tuition payment vouchers are awarded after the parent/guardian has made the tuition payment, a refund will be issued to the parent/guardian following redemption of the payment voucher.
How do I withdraw my child from MBTA's Summer Program? What if my child only wants to withdraw from one class?
- Step 1: Complete the online withdrawal form. ONLY add the class(es) that you wish to withdraw from.
- Step 2: Check your email for the confirmation.
- Step 3: Print and Sign the confirmation PDF.
- Step 4: Submit to MBTA office by the posted deadline.
- The summer school director will process the withdrawal request and forward it to MBTA’s accountant to issue any approved refunds.
- No refund will be processed without the completed & signed confirmation page.
Should you have further questions or concerns regarding our Summer Program, please email our Summer School Director,
Brandi Hyden, TEA Director